
Watch this moving film of commercial drivers in the UK working through pandemic

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15 commercial drivers from fleets across the UK have joined forces to vlog their stories about how they kept Britain moving during Covid-19.

The clips were made into a film as part of a campaign by telematics and tracking provider Teletrac Navman and road safety charity Brakes.

The “Who is a Commercial Driver?” campaign says it wants to give thanks to the „most valuable asset” in the UK transport sector; the drivers who have gone the extra mile.

The initiative is delivered through an uplifting and inspiring video campaign that aims to raise awareness of the extra pressure the pandemic has put on the country’s commercial drivers. Naturally, without their continuous hard-work, communities across the nation would have struggled without access to essential goods, services or healthcare.

It’s these workers, on the front line of logistics, who not only have an important role to play generally but who have kept this country going over the past six months, with everything from vital life-saving PPE deliveries, to fast-moving consumer goods that keep the economy ticking over” – said Richard Lilwall, Managing Director, at Teletrac Navman. “What’s more, extended working hours, more vehicles on the road, an increase in shifts, and more deliveries per shift have all become the norm in recent months for those drivers bearing the load, in partnership with their colleagues in logistics. For their dedication to ensuring everything gets from A to B, we want to show our appreciation.”

„Thank God for truckers” – Truck Driver Appreciation Week in the US

The UK are by no means the only country paying tribute to their commercial drivers. A case in point is the USA, who have been marking „National Truck Driver Appreciation Week„.

This year’s event takes on a special significance considering the crucial role truck drivers have played during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Americans in all fifty states have taken extraordinary steps to show their appreciation for the important work that professional truck drivers have conducted during the coronavirus pandemic. From children passing out lunches, to „I Heart Truck” signs across America’s highways, the public have taken notice of the essential role truck drivers play in their lives.

President Trump and Transport Secretary Elaine Chao have also offered their praise, saying „Thank God for truckers.

Cover photo is a screenshot of the video
